Bethersden Primary School

Starfish Class

Welcome to the Starfish Class webpage 2024-2025!

Welcome children and families to our home page. The new academic year has begun and we have lots of exciting playing and learning opportunities ahead of us.

Class team

Class Teacher: Miss H Young
Learning Support: Mrs L Davis and Mrs H Baker

Our Learning

As a school, we follow the Cornerstones Curriculum. Each ‘short’ term (6 times a year) the topics change. There is always one main theme followed by a companion project.

Our Cornerstones theme this term is ‘Let's Explore’ where our children will learn about about the environment that we share with others, including our homes, school and places in the local community. In addition our Cornerstones companion project is ‘Build it Up’ where we will learn about structures and materials and give our children the opportunity to work in groups to create collaborative structures.

Please see this term's timetable below:

starfish class timetable term 1 2024 2025 pdf.pdf


Read Write Inc

In EYFS at Bethersden our children develop their phonetic knowledge through the popular phonics scheme Read Write Inc (RWI). Our children will begin their phonics journey by learning their set 1 sounds this includes learning to say, identify and write them. As we learn these sounds we will begin blending the sounds together to read simple words with the help of our Read Write Inc companion Fred the frog. 

Power Maths and Maths Mastery

In PowerMaths our main mathematics lessons this term we will be based on building strong mathematical foundations deepening our understanding of our numbers to 5. 

In our mini Maths Mastery sessions this term we will be learning to subitise numbers up to three and learn to represent these in different ways. 

Furthermore, in Starfish Class we value the importance of adult led maths lessons but also exploring mathematics in the environment so we will also continue to ensure all new and previously taught mathematics is available in the children’s provision as they play and learn independently. This will allow our children to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills and secure these for future maths learning. 


In EYFS at Bethersden we continue to value the power of play and opportunities to learn, play and explore no matter the weather both inside and outside the classroom. Our children continue to enjoy building, digging, racing, working collaboratively, creating, imagining and more in our 'outstanding' provision...


Forest School

This we will also be introducing our new EYFS cohort to the power of Forest School and all of the amazing opportunities for learning and growth it provides. Starfish will take part in Forest School on a Wednesday morning where we will continue to appreciate, develop knowledge and learn in nature. So don't forget your wellies and let's make some memories!


Tapestry is an online Childhood Education Platform in which we use to capture all of your child's learning and magic moments. You can access your childs Tapestry online learning journal online or through the app. On Tapestry you will find photos, videos and detailed descriptions of your child's achievements 

How can you help your child?

  • Engage with all home learning activities including reading and your home learning tasks. 
  • Spend time with your child on Tapestry talking about your child’s learning that has been captured to celebrate their successes and achievements and reflect on what they have learnt. 
  • Ensure your child sleeps well and has a healthy breakfast to prepare them for the school day. 
  • Please provide appropriate clothing for outdoor learning, we will not let the weather stop us!
  • Ensure your child brings a water bottle to school, hydration is essential to help your child learn and play. 

Contact us

In Starfish Class we have an open door policy. We are always available after school if you need a quick catch up. If you need a longer or more private meeting, please book this through the office and we will be happy to accommodate.

We are so excited to continue our learning journey with you...

Very best wishes,

Miss Young and your EYFS Team