Orca Class

Term 4 marks the start of a very exciting term, leading to our PGL Residential. During our stay at Windmill Hill, we hope to bring out the very best in our students as they participate in a wide range of enriching adventure activities designed to challenge, inspire and build confidence.
This page will be updated throughout the year with information about our topics and the learning that we will be focusing on. Please do check out our school Twitter page to see regular photos of our incredible learning.
Our Learning Environment
Learning in Term 4
During the fourth term, our ‘driver’ topic will be ‘Frozen Kingdoms’.
This term, in connection with our overarching topic ‘Frozen Kingdoms’, we will be learning about famous polar explorers such as Ernest Shackleton, as well as reading the thrilling 'Titanic Detective Agency' by Lindsay Littleson.
During these projects, the children will use this story as a stimulus for a wide range of writing including biographies, descriptions and diary recounts. In each, the children will be shown how to use appropriate organisational devices, new sentence structures and vocabulary.
To support this, each Monday, the class will have separate grammar and spelling sessions, in which they will explore new aspects of grammar and KS2 spelling patterns. Each week, the children will also be given spellings to learn and given links to Spelling Shed, so that they can practise these words in preparation for a weekly spelling test.
As well-developed reading skills are vital to enable children to access all areas of the primary curriculum, this term, the children will use their reading skills to answer a range of VIPER linked to non-fiction and poetry. Year 6 will also be exploring a selection of Reading SATs style questions and familiarising themselves with the expectations of this test.
Your child will also continue to bring home a reading folder, which will contain a Homework Diary and a fiction/non-fiction book. We ask that they read for 20 mins each day and we would be grateful if the record could be signed to show that this has taken place. In this way, we hope to enthuse the children and make them realise that books can open up a world of endless possibilities.
In Maths this term, Years 5 and 6 will continue their Power Maths Learning.
Year 5 will continue to explore decimals, leading onto percentages so that by the end of these topics, they should be able to:
- recognise and use thousandths and relate them to tenths, hundredths and decimal, percentage and fraction equivalents
- compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number
- read, write, order and compare numbers with up to three decimal places
- round decimals
- recognise the per cent symbol (%) and understand that per cent relates to ‘number of parts per hundred’, and write a percentage as a fraction with denominator 100 as a decimal fraction
Year 6 will explore topics on 'Algebra' and 'Measurement' , so that by the end of these topics, they should be able to:
- express missing number problems algebraically
- find pairs of numbers that satisfy number sentences involving two unknowns
- use simple formulae generate and describe linear number sequences
- solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using decimal notation up to three decimal places where appropriate
- recognise that shapes with the same areas can have different perimeters and vice versa calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles
During these sessions, the children will be supported to solve a range of question types, including arithmetic and reasoning, in preparation for the Year 6 SATs. They will be encouraged to use a range of manipulatives during these sessions, as well as to use mathematical language to explain their answers.
As the children are now entering the latter part of Key Stage Two, it is even more important that they have a secure understanding of their times tables and can use the four operations to calculate mental arithmetic questions.
You can access TT Rockstars via this link: https://ttrockstars.com/
Wider Learning
This year we will continue to use the ‘Cornerstones Curriculum’ to support our wider learning.
Our main topic across the next two terms, ‘Frozen Kingdoms’, will teach the children about the geographical characteristics and features of polar regions, including wildlife living at the North and South Poles, and includes a detailed exploration of the environmental factors that shape and influence them. During this work, the children will also gain an insight into early polar exploration and the deadly challenges faced by Ernest Shackleton, as well as follow the ‘Sir David Attenborough’ research ship as it makes its way to Antarctica.
Science: Circuits
This project teaches children about electrical circuits and their components and how they function. They will recognise how the voltage of cells affects the output of a circuit and record circuits using standard symbols. It also teaches them about programmable devices, sensors and monitoring. They will combine their learning to design and make programmable home devices.
D/T: Engineer
This project teaches children about remarkable engineers and significant bridges; learning to identify features, such as beams, arches and trusses. They will complete a bridge-building engineering challenge to create a bridge prototype.
In this topic, the children will learn about the origin and features of rock and roll music, pupils learn how to play the Hand Jive and Rock Around the Clock, looking specifically at a walking bass line, before performing a piece as a class.
Our P.E day is Monday; please make sure your child comes into school wearing their full P.E. kit on this day
French: 'Chez Moi'
As well as learning a range of conversational phrases, by the end of this unit, pupils will have the knowledge and skills to present both orally and in written form. This is a unit that focuses on recycling previously learnt grammar, using it with new vocabulary and having a better understanding of the negative form, demonstrating a growing ability to create independent responses. The children will then move onto exploring phrases related to life at home.
We will continue to follow the ‘Teach Computing’ Curriculum.
This term, Orca Class will be exploring 'New Experiences' in preparation for their time away at PGL.
Homework will be set on a Monday (spelling) and Friday (Atom Learning) and is to be completed by the following Friday. This will be set on Google Classroom.
Each Monday, the children will be set their weekly spellings on Spelling Shed
As part of their home learning, we encourage children to read every day to support their reading fluency and vocabulary.
Contact us
We are always available on the playground after school if you need to talk! Alternatively, if it is not urgent, you can email the families' email. This email is checked regularly and will be forwarded on to the class team. You can find the email here: families@bethersden.kent.sch.uk
We are looking forward to the exciting term ahead of us!
Orca Class Team