Bethersden Primary School


Penguin Class



Welcome to Penguin Class Home Page.

Penguin Class comprises children from Years Two and Three. They have made a fantastic start to their time in this class. We cannot believe we are now over half-way through the year and we have so much more exciting learning to do!



In English this term, we will be looking at a couple of texts to support our Cornerstones topic of Mighty Metals - we do not want to spoil the surprise yet, as our first lessons will involve using our VIPERS reading skills of ‘Prediction’ to try and work out what the book is about. Penguin class will be developing their understanding of fronted adverbials, onomatopoeia and using questions in our writing and looking at a variety of writing styles including monologues, story openers and poetry.


In Maths, our Year Twos will be developing their understanding of Multiplication and Division, looking particularly at their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and the relevant division facts before moving onto measurement where we will be measuring in centimetres and metres.

Our Year Threes will be continuing their learning on fractions - looking at equivalent fractions as well as ordering and comparing unit and non-unit fractions. The Year Three pupils will continue to practise column methods of addition and subtraction, and develop their speed and fluency in addition and subtraction.

Times tables will continue to be a focus and children will be encouraged to practise their times tables in a number of ways including TT Rockstars. Watch out for battles with other classes!


Our Cornerstones driver topic will be ‘Mighty Metals’ where children will learn about forces, magnets and the incredible properties of metals. This project will develop children’s knowledge of metal names, where they are found, their main properties and how metals can be used in everyday life.


Outdoor Learning will continue this term with Miss Webb, and the focus will be on Forest School activities - including Shelter Building and tram games, which will both fit in nicely with our School Value for this term of ‘Collaboration’! A change of clothing on Wednesdays will be required as it could still be cold and/or wet.


In PE, our focus will be the game of Basketball where we will develop our movement with a ball, throwing a ball high, low, fast and slow, catching the ball and working on our attacking and defending skills. Our PE day will continue to be on a Thursday, so please ensure PE kit is worn on that day. A gentle reminder that no ear-rings are to be worn for PE.


French will see us learning ten familiar activities or hobbies and then saying whether we can or can’t do them - our first introduction to the ‘negative’ in French.


Computing will develop our understanding of what a branching database is and how to create one. We will use yes/no questions to gain an understanding of what attributes are and how to use them to sort groups of objects. Learners will create physical and on-screen branching databases.


In RE we will be starting the term by finishing the unit 'Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?' and then move onto a unit all about the Lord's Prayer where we will think about why Christians pray, some Christian beliefs and the words of the Lord's Prayer and what they mean.



Penguin Class will be developing knowledge and understanding of dynamics using instruments. We will also be learning to compose and play rhythms to represent planets.


Home Learning will be set on Google classroom a Wednesday to be handed in by the following Monday. We ask that Penguins continue to read regularly as this is such a vital part of their learning.

Spellings will be set every week on Spelling Shed and these support the spelling pattern we are looking at in school that week. Alongside the reading, spellings and TT Rockstars, there will be an accompanying activity that will enhance our learning for that week or for our driver Cornerstones topic.


We are available on the playground at the end of the day to answer any questions you may have, alternatively, drop an email to the school office who will pass it on to the class team.


We are looking forward to the term ahead. 

The Penguin Class team.


Class team

Class Teacher:  Mrs. Lisa Moss - Monday and Wednesday - Friday.
Class Teacher: Mrs. Michelle Price  - Tuesday
Learning Support: Miss Shelley Simpson and Miss Giles

Class Timetable


penguin class timetable t4.pdf




Our Learning Environment: