Bethersden Primary School

Penguin Class



A very warm welcome to our class page.

This page will be updated throughout the year with information regarding our topics and learning for the term ahead. You can find all relevant information regarding our latest term below.


Welcome back to school and Term 1. We are looking forward to this year and already have many things planned. 

In Term 1, in English 

We are going to start the term by looking at ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ by Martin Jenkins, to celebrate our new class name. We will be exploring and discussing the text and writing our very own description of Antarctica. We will then move onto ‘How to Wash  a Woolly Mammoth’ by Michelle Robinson, where we will be writing our very own set of instructions.

Place Value will be our first topic in Maths.

The year two children will be looking at numbers to 100. They will continue to build on their skills their developed in year. The children will be counting in 10s and 1s, They will also be exploring partitioning into tens and ones using place value grids. 

The year three children will be exploring place value within 1,000 and developing their skills and knowledge on being able to confidently add and subtract with larger numbers.  

As the children have entered Key Stage Two it is even more important now that they develop a secure understanding of their times tables. The children should now have a secure understanding of their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and this year they should focus on learning their 3, 4 and 8 times table. Every child has access to Times Table Rockstars, which is a fantastic resource that we urge children to make the most of. The children have their own log-ins inside their reading diaries.

You can access TT Rockstars via this link:

Wider Learning - Our Cornerstones driver topic for the term is ‘Tribal tales’, where we will be looking at the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age. We’re going to learn about what people’s daily lives were like and what battles they had. Using techniques such as cutting, scraping and mark making, we’ll make Stone Age tools. We’ll look closely at cave paintings and create our own. As we learn about the Bronze Age, we’ll build monuments and investigate their shadows. In science, we’ll plant grains and learn about plant life cycles. Copying the Beaker folk style, we’ll make clay containers. Then, we’ll travel to the Iron Age to learn about hill forts and the properties of iron. We’ll also make Iron Age jewelry. 

We will also be starting to learn French and will start by looking at greetings. 

PE - We are going to be focusing on Hockey this term. Our P.E day is Thursday, please make sure your child comes into school wearing their full P.E kit on this day. 

R.E – Our topic is going to be ‘What do people believe about God’. We will be learning and exploring different religious and spiritual ways of life regarding diverse beliefs about God.

Home work - will be set every Wednesday. The homework will be set on GoogleClassroom and also a physical copy will be handed to every child. 

We would also like every child to read daily as this is crucial for supporting your child in every aspect of their learning. 

As well as completing the set homework every week we encourage children to go onto TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed as much as possible. 


Class team

Class Teacher:  Mrs Tammy Osborn - Monday and Tuesday
Class Teacher: Mrs Lisa Moss - Wednesday-Friday
Learning Support: Miss Shelley Simpson

Class Timetable



penguin class timetable t1.pdf






Our Learning Environment: