Bethersden Primary School

Stingray Class

This page will be updated throughout the year with information about our topics and learning that we will be focusing on. Please check out our school twitter page to see regular photos of our incredible learning journey.

Class team

Class Teacher: Mrs A Evans 
Mrs Price -Tuesday
Mrs Williams (PPAcover)Learning Support Assistant: Miss C Simpson & Mrs P Batt

Class documents



stingrays timetable term 3 4 docx.pdf





This term, we will be exploring the book , 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' by C.S. Onjali Q. Rauf . Through discussions, drama, character analysis and creative narratives, the children will get a strong understanding of the text and use key events to inspire their own writing. There is a strong focus on developing the quality of sentences and vocabulary in this unit. To support this, each week, the class will have SPaG sessions in which they will explore new aspects of spelling, punctuation and grammar. Each week, the children will be expected to access Spelling Shed to practise new and old spellings.

As well-developed reading skills are vital to enabling children to access all areas of the primary curriculum, in Year 4, the children will undertake reading activities, in which they will further develop their comprehension skills by exploring and analysing texts using ‘VIPERS’ questions. Your child will bring home a reading record and home reading book. We ask that children read for 20 minutes each day and would be grateful if this could be recorded to show that this has taken place. In this way, we hope to enthuse the children and make them realise that books can open up a world of endless possibilities.


In Maths this term, year 4 will begin their Power Maths learning by continuing to learn about  multiplication and division.


In Key Stage Two, it is even more important now that they develop a secure understanding of their times tables. This year, year 4s will be required to complete the Multiplication Tables Check so any additional practice outside of school will be extremely beneficial. The children should now have a secure understanding of their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. Every child has access to Times Table Rockstars, which is a fantastic resource that we urge every child to make the most of. The children have their own log ins and can be accessed via this link:

Wider Learning

This year we will continue to use the ‘Cornerstones curriculum’ to support our wider learning.


Geography: Frozen Kingdoms

 Over the next two terms, we will be learning about  the characteristics and features of polar regions, including the North and South Poles, and includes a detailed exploration of the environmental factors that shape and influence them.

 Science:  Electrical Circuits and Components

We will be learning about electrical circuits, their components and how they function. They recognise how the voltage of cells affects the output of a circuit and record circuits using standard symbols. It also teaches children about programmable devices, sensors and monitoring. They combine their learning to design and make programmable home devices.


 Art: Inuit

We will be learning about  the Inuit way of life, including some of their cultural and artistic traditions.

Design and Technology -Engineer

We will be learning about remarkable engineers and significant bridges, learning to identify features, such as beams, arches and trusses. They complete a bridge-building engineering challenge to create a bridge prototype.


We will continue to follow the ‘Teach Computing’ curriculum.

R.E – Our topic is going  to explore the life of King David  This enables pupils to learn in depth from different religious and spiritual ways . This unit focuses on Christianity and Judaism and looks at elements such as friendship, leadership and explores some key events in the life of King David.

PSHE – We are going to be focusing on 'Caring and Responsibility'

P.E – We are going to be focusing on Street Dance. Children will be exploring rhythm, dance phrases and choreography. Our PE day will be Wednesday.

Homework will be set on a Monday and is to be completed by the following Monday. This will be a worksheet or on Google Classroom for the children will be given to complete at home.

As well as your home learning we encourage children to read every day to support their reading fluency and vocabulary.

We also encourage children to access TTRS to help improve their times table knowledge.