Bethersden Primary School


As Governors we are delighted to welcome you to the Governors’ section of Bethersden Primary school website.

We have an extremely active Governing Body at Bethersden who work very closely with the Headteacher, and all the staff. We are all passionate about the children in our school and the rich education and wider opportunities they receive.

In broad terms, as a Governing Body we:

  • Take a strategic role in the running of the school.
  • Act as a critical friend to the school.
  • Ensure accountability to the school community.

We work in partnership with the senior leadership team and all the dedicated staff, taking an active interest in the development plans for the school, as well as financial monitoring.  We do not get involved in the day-to-day operation of the school, as this is the responsibility of the Headteacher, senior leaders and staff.

Governors are appointed through various routes.  There are parent governors, who are elected by the parents themselves, and co-opted governors who are people from our community that can bring skills to the Governing Body to contribute to the school.  Co-opted governors are appointed by the Governing Body itself. 

To find out more about our governors, please see our governor profiles.

We are always keen to hear from anyone who is interested in becoming a governor and of course, if you have and questions or feedback please contact the school office.

Best regards
Mrs Erin Hogben
Chairs of Governors


Click below to view Governor information:

Governors Information September 2024

Click below to view the school’s complaints policy

Complaints Policy

Click below to view the instrument of Government

Instrument of Government

Click below to view the Governors Attendance Record

Governors Attendance Record (Academic Year 2022-2023)

Click below to view the Register of Business Interests

Register of Business Interests November 2023