Bethersden Primary School

School Meals


weekly menu jan 2025.pdf




Bethersden school dinner information

At lunchtimes children may have a school dinner or bring a packed lunch.  Our lunchtime caterers are Pablum: who prepare our lunches at Homewood School.

Each day children have two choices of main meal, one of which is vegetarian. There is always the option of pasta.

A salad bar is available every day which the children are encouraged to visit.  Bread is also available as an extra accompaniment.  Menu’s rotate every 3 weeks, (see menu attached here) with menus changing 2 or 3 times a year.  Children make their lunch choice in class at the beginning of the school day when registers are taken.

If your child is going to be late to school and requires a dinner, it is important that you let the school office know before 9.15am so a dinner can be ordered for them.

Dinners are served in 2 sittings with Year R, 1 and 2 eating at 12 noon and Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 eating at 12.30pm.

School Dinner Payments

The cost of a school meal is £2.60 a day. Payment for dinners must be made in advance and should be paid via Parentmail +pay

You may pay weekly, monthly or termly in advance. If your child is absent from school they will not be charged for a meal.

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free meal at lunchtime, this is known as Universal infant free school meals (UIFSM). 

Please be aware that if accounts fall into arrears of more than £20 per child, the school will not be able to offer your child any further lunches until arrears are cleared in full.

If you have any queries about your payments, please contact the school office as soon as possible as any discrepancies are usually very easily sorted out.

Parents who receive certain benefits are entitled to claim for free school meals.  If you think you may be eligible complete the online form or ask in the school office.

This will mean your child will receive a free school meal even if they are in KS2.  If your child is in KS1 we would ask that you still apply as there are other benefits as well as free school meals.

When making payments using ParentMail +pay, the school is charged a percentage on each transaction. The cheapest method of payment is a Debit or Credit Card so please try to use this payment wherever possible. PayPal transactions carry a higher percentage charge and a fee for each transaction.
We appreciate your support with this.

About Pablum

Pabulum Catering is a professional catering company based in Fleet, Hampshire. They focus solely on the education sector and provide tasty, nutritious and healthy school meals. They are committed to sourcing ingredients that are fresh, wholesome and ethical.

Dinners are served by two members of staff who are employed by the school.